Saturday, May 30, 2015

Mobile Blogging

Well, I decided to try the mobile app out! I do prefer to type out my blogs on the computer since it is easier, but having the mobile app might make me blog more. I like blogging when I have that urge to do it, so now no matter where I am, a blogging I can do. Woo. I seem to be in an app downloading mood, anyway. Sparkpeople and Loseit are both back on my phone. Hopefully, being tied into online communities will help keep me on track. 

Every time I get back on track, I feel like I feel differently than I felt previously. What I am feeling right now is not a new feeling. I am feeling like I can stick to this long term. I know how long this feeling usually sticks around, but I hope it keeps me company for a longer period of time. I hope that when I am knocked down... That this feeling helps me back up rather than leaving me to pull myself up alone. I am acting a little differently than I used to. I actually uploaded my photos to MFP. I plan to add a photo of myself to all of the weight loss support sites I am a member of. I think a large part of this journey is me accepting myself as I am today. I'm sure that will help with my social anxiety as well. 

Speaking of my anxiety, it has been kicking my ass lately. Social situations seem to be harder than ever, and my general anxiety that I have at home is getting pretty bad. I've been on a crappy sleeping schedule due to it, and now that I am trying to fix that schedule, my anxiety won't let me sleep through the night. It woke me up two nights in a row. Thankfully, last night was easier than the night before. I'm going to keep trying to improve my schedule rather than letting the anxiety scare me into staying awake all night again. I also am going to work on going into more public places rather than waiting in my van for everyone to do what they need to. I just need to keep thinking positively and not allow myself to fall back into my bubble. I can't allow my fears and insecurities to rule my life. 

Well, I guess that's it for now. 

Friday, May 29, 2015


It has been a pretty crappy year so far. I'm not going to get into any of that right now, but it did make me realize how temporary life is. I haven't been living the life that I want. Life is short, and I really do need to start living the life that I want rather than dreaming about it. I can't fix or control everything, so I'm focusing on what I can. 

I lost 20 pounds at the beginning of this year. Thankfully, I seem to have maintained that weight loss while not actively trying to lose. I was worried that I may have gained back more than I lost. I feel so lucky about not having to start from the beginning. I still have a way to go, but I'm doing my best to not think about my goal/maintenance weight. Trying to live in the now and just adjust my living and eating habits. 

I've been trying to find vloggers and bloggers to follow. It's a little more difficult than I thought it would be. Beating myself up a little bit for deleting my old youtube. 

I always have lots to say... until I sit down to write out a blog.