Thursday, January 15, 2015

First Non Scale Victory

I have reached one of my first goals, and I am so excited!! I can finally use the wii fit plus again! Well, as soon as I locate the game. I had to use the quick weigh in on the wii menu to see if it would accept my weight. I was fully prepared for bad news, but I had a feeling it would accept me today!

Weight Loss

Week 1 : -5.2 pounds
Week 2 : -5.4 pounds

Total Loss: -10.6 pounds

I also had a scale victory today that felt pretty nice. I am officially down 10.6 pounds! I lost a little over 5 pounds each week. Too bad I can't expect to see this much longer! Ha. I have about 33 more pounds until I hit one of my first 'big' goals. I'm hoping to see that by May 1, 2015. I'm not going to push the time issue, but it's nice to have an idea of when. I'm just happy to be making any progress. :)

I have been having a little trouble when it comes to exercising. I did Walk Away the Pounds a few times, and I loved exercising and moving around. Unfortunately, after the workout was done, I found myself having extreme anxiety - almost full blown panic attacks. I felt like I wasn't getting enough air, even once my heart rate slowed down some. I'm thinking that for now, I'm going to have to stick to mostly strength training. I do have a heart rate monitor, though, so I can do some other exercise and keep and eye on my heart rate. I'm hoping keeping it lower will help me avoid panic attacks.

Other than my problems with exercising, things have been going pretty well. This time around, everything has been a lot easier. I've allowed myself to eat whatever I want, as long as I am able to fit it into my daily calories. I don't mean skip all meals just to eat this one thing, either. I mean a small portion that I can fit in along with the rest of my meals and snacks. I'm still having processed snacks, but am sticking to lower calorie options. I would like to avoid all processed foods down the road, but this is working for me right now. One step at a time!

Thursday, January 8, 2015


Thursday is the day I weigh in this year. It sounds silly, but choosing an official day to log my weight loss for the week is not always the easiest task for me. However, this time around it was the one thing I didn't have to think about. The year started on a Thursday, therefore Thursday was weigh in day.

Weight Loss

Week 1 : -5.2 pounds

I should make up a quick table, but this will work for now. Not a bad loss for the first week :). Obviously, I don't expect to lose 5 pounds every week - that's just unrealistic. I knew I would see a higher number for week 1. Usually, my body sheds weight a little slowly, and I'm lucky when I see a 2 pound loss. I seem more OK with that this time around than I have in the past. I just want to be healthy. 

I am doing great logging my food and staying within my calorie range. It hasn't been all that hard, and I'm thankful for that. I do want to start getting some exercise in, though. A few more pounds and I will be able to use the wii fit again, but I'm not sure when I'll be able to use my elliptical. My knees just can't handle it right now. I think I may start up Walk Away the Pounds since it seems like a nice way to ease into exercise. As for this past week, I have just tried to be more active than usual. I'm cleaning more, cooking more, and walking around more. I think this week is a good time to start up WAtP as well as figure out a routine for my hand weights. 

Thursday, January 1, 2015


I cannot say that this is the first time I have started this weight loss journey at the beginning of a new year, but I do hope it is the last time I have to start. I am starting this year at the heaviest weight I have ever been, and the plan is to end it at a weight I haven't been since I was a teenager. However, it is not just the number I am looking at. I want to be healthier, and I want to stay that way.

Goals. Let me talk about some goals. These aren't solid goals, but they're just things I would like to see.

I want to start next year 100 pounds less than I am today. Ideally, I would like to be 120 pounds less since I am aiming to lose 10 per month, but I feel 100 is more reasonable. However, I will take any sort of weight loss for this year!

I want to be three jean sizes lower. I would love to be 4 sizes down, but we'll see how things go.

I want to be at least one shirt size down, but hoping for 2!

I want my anxiety to lessen, and it usually does when I lose a decent amount of weight.

I want to be able to breathe easier. I have a pretty hard time at night with the sleep apnea.

I want to be able to make healthy food choices without having to talk to myself about it in my head.

I want to look forward to exercising! I want to become a much more active person.

I want to feel better.

Every time I continue/start over my weight loss journey, it always feel different - like i'll actually be able to accomplish something. Only time will tell.