Thursday, January 1, 2015


I cannot say that this is the first time I have started this weight loss journey at the beginning of a new year, but I do hope it is the last time I have to start. I am starting this year at the heaviest weight I have ever been, and the plan is to end it at a weight I haven't been since I was a teenager. However, it is not just the number I am looking at. I want to be healthier, and I want to stay that way.

Goals. Let me talk about some goals. These aren't solid goals, but they're just things I would like to see.

I want to start next year 100 pounds less than I am today. Ideally, I would like to be 120 pounds less since I am aiming to lose 10 per month, but I feel 100 is more reasonable. However, I will take any sort of weight loss for this year!

I want to be three jean sizes lower. I would love to be 4 sizes down, but we'll see how things go.

I want to be at least one shirt size down, but hoping for 2!

I want my anxiety to lessen, and it usually does when I lose a decent amount of weight.

I want to be able to breathe easier. I have a pretty hard time at night with the sleep apnea.

I want to be able to make healthy food choices without having to talk to myself about it in my head.

I want to look forward to exercising! I want to become a much more active person.

I want to feel better.

Every time I continue/start over my weight loss journey, it always feel different - like i'll actually be able to accomplish something. Only time will tell.

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